The Operation Failed Please Verify Your Configuration and Try Again Scan to Folder Windows 10

Hint: just acknowledge it'due south shockingly, exceedingly impaired and so work around its too-dumb-to-believe limitations!

Wirecutter's "upgrade pick" for colour light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation printers. *coughing*

NB: This is a guide for net/sysadmins, and so information technology will leave out some basics, just hopefully information technology'll leave you feeling jaded like an It pro even if you aren't ane.

If y'all're here, you've probably already tried to configure the "Browse to Network Folder" feature, plugged in all the right information (network path, username, etc.) or some close approximation, but no thing what y'all do, you get this infuriatingly vague error bulletin, as I did with my egregiously overpriced MFP479fdw:

Too known every bit ane of HP's many corporate slogans

Well, that would be very much for me to tell you, that yous are not going crazy! This error message does unfortunately appear even when the network path and associated credentials are valid, and fifty-fifty if you've paid upwards of $500 for a printer (Thank you, HP!).

It's non my error.

Fear non, admin amigo! Today, I'grand going to give you lot a checklist that, when followed, should help y'all get the damned matter to actually Practice.

First, hither's an case of how a configuration should expect if you want information technology to actually work on pretty much any HP printer that supports this Scan to Network Binder characteristic. If this screenshot already makes sense, you lot might exist able to skip the balance of the article — in which case, go along and prosper:

An case of a working configuration, where 192.168.1.twenty is the IP address of the desired file server, Share is the top-level file share on that server, and valid_username is a valid local username on that non-domain server.

Otherwise, I'll explain each peculiarity in a moment.

You need to figure out how to get to your printer's config page that looks like this, or at least has these options. Consult the printer'southward manual or contact HP support if you must. My printer (MFP479fdw) hides these options nether Quick Sets — and hither'south how the blank config looks:

Your printer'due south Scan to Network Binder configuration page might look slightly dissimilar, but it should have almost everything listed hither, and and so some. Only the options pictured matter for our purposes.

Once you're here, we can begin, and on behalf of HP, I apologize in accelerate that taking these steps is necessary:

Please notation: I am non affiliated with HP in any way. I'thousand simply actually sorry.

The Network Path should be a top-level share folder of an existing SMB share.

In other words, instead of this thing that you wanted to do:


Practise this:


If it sounds ridiculous, it's because information technology is.

Yes, this has to exist a bug. Alas, (surprise?) some HP printers just CANNOT figure out network share subfolders. If information technology sounds ridiculous, it'due south because it is. I couldn't believe this was true, especially since I've seen it work with other HP printers, and NONE of the existing forum threads talk nearly this limitation, but hither nosotros are. Don't waste material hours of your life fighting this like I did with mine, because it's only an HP trouble that affects some (not all) of their printers, and there may not be any true fix for this limitation curt of a firmware update.

Don't waste matter hours of your life fighting this like I did with mine.

Aye, information technology really, really sucks, and using a peak-level share folder poses other challenges, but I'll share how I worked around this a bit afterwards. ๐Ÿงจ

Instead of using the FQDN of the server in the network path, use the server's IP address, at least until the printer starts resolving DNS correctly.

I hear you screaming already. I know how much this sucks. Granted, if the FQDN is already working for you, and so by all means, employ information technology. For the rest of us, our HP printers struggle to resolve remote AND local DNS records for AWHILE, in my case 2+ hours, even when they have received valid, working and reachable DNS servers via DHCP.

And if the HP is having a DNS meltdown, and so information technology'll repeatedly fail to resolve a valid network path with an FQDN and (rudely) blame You lot for providing an "invalid" path. It sucks, but aye, that'due south the state of HP printers in this, the year of Corona 2020. So, for example, instead of doing this:


Supplant the FQDN with the server's IP address. If that were 192.168.i.xx, then it'd look like this:


In my experience, you can come back a few hours afterward, and the HP might be able to resolve the FQDN. If so, and so experience free to change it at that point. Woof.

If the file server isn't joined to a domain, then prefix the fileshare username with .\

Putting .\ in front end of the username tells the printer to utilise the file server's local accounts, rather than try to utilise a domain account. So, for example, instead of




This is important when the printer isn't part of a domain, or when the file server isn't part of a domain, or when y'all want the printer to use local server credentials rather than a domain account. At present, if it's working without the .\, and so great. That's fine.

Skilful for you! ๐ŸŽ‰

Otherwise, add it in.

Make sure your file server supports SMB v2 or v3

By default, HP disables SMB v1/CIFS, and supports v2 and v3. This is A Good Affair™, because v1 is obsolete and a security liability with no place in a production environment. The platonic solution (and most mutual 1 today) is to ensure that SMB v2 and/or v3 are enabled on your file server — in my instance, the printer automatically used the highest level supported by the server. Silver lining?

But if your file server is end of life, and you know that y'all need SMB v1 (so sad bud), then you'll need to enable it on your printer. I can't bring myself to screenshot this considering the idea is too upsetting and you actually shouldn't practise it in 10 out of 11 cases, just if yous really demand to do it, consult the printer's manual to find that setting. You've been warned.

Now, if you've washed it right, and so your config will await something like this:

An example of a working configuration, where 192.168.ane.xx is the IP address of the desired file server, Share is the top-level file share on that server, and valid_username is a valid local username on that non-domain server.

At this signal, apply and test, and you should see this less-than-satisfying success bulletin:

Finally. Asshole.

And then now you're done, right? Possibly.

Or mayhap non.

Symlinks: the superlative-level folder workaround

If, like me, you are a NORMAL HUMAN, and need those scans to appear in a SUBFOLDER of a network share, rather than the top-level binder, then get set up to log into that server and open up that control line.

My file server is a Synology NAS. I have a primary share that my devices use, and I do not desire the HP to vomit PDFs into the root of the binder. To piece of work around the HP limitation, I created a new, single-purpose share (in this case, chosen Scans), and I told the Syno to hide that share in "My Network Places":

I configured the HP to utilise that new share for its scans. So, I enabled symbolic links (aka symlinks) across shared folders, which in DSM 6 is under Command Panel > File Services > SMB/AFP/NFS > Advanced Settings:

NB: This might exist risky because it makes it a little harder to predict what kind of file permissions an end user volition have for a given folder. You lot'll want to utilize symlinks across shares sparingly in most cases.

With that enabled, I SSHd into the Synology and created a symlink to the new share's root folder in the desired location on the primary share. The command looks like this:

ln -s /path/to/new/share /path/to/desired/subfolder

This creates a symlink to the new share'south root folder and yes — users who access the original share will accept full access to the new share's root folder by visiting the subfolder yous specified above.

Now, I'm fully aware that this type of workaround sucks a lot more in a product Windows Server environment, but it's what I got so far. If you have meliorate ideas, audio off in the comments!

In determination, HP (still, and really) needs to go their act together.

It's fair to be upset when a device's UI gaslights you with inaccurate error messages. That's bad design, but it'south also personally insulting. Cut that shit out. Admit your shit is broken, tell me what I need to do to piece of work around it, and stop wasting my time.

Further, information technology is hugely baffling to me why (and how) HP printer behavior can vary and so wildly from model to model, or firmware to firmware. Who has time to continue rail of this nonsense? To recap:

A network printer should be able to scan to a subfolder of a network share without creating a brand-new single-purpose share and then creating a symlink to "nest" the new share inside the onetime 1.

A network printer should exist able to resolve the FQDN of a server right abroad without waiting for some kind of random DNS lag to resolve itself.

It's less than reassuring that HP hasn't documented these limitations, and it's obscene that HP's still having bones problems similar this, when (equally I've mentioned before) we're about to colonize Mars. Just, what are you going to do? Buy something that Wirecutter didn't recommend?

The end.


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